Gulrang Cafe

Gulrang Café





  • Tables & chairs
  • Backup power supply
  • Security cameras
  • Restroom
  • Lighting
  • Wi-Fi




Category Indoor / Outdoor / Top Roof
Indoor Size W=21 ft, L=43 ft
Rooftop Size W=24 ft, L=43 ft
Open Area Size W=24 ft, L=49 ft




ACPKHI offers fully operational and hygienic cafeteria services that are designed for use by staff, students, and visitors and is generally the most visited area. The Gulrang Café comes with a ground, Open air and rooftop area. Which is another golden venue to meet your needs.


The venue is ideal for press releases, book launches, and other smaller gatherings. It is also a place where students and faculty can take their visitors for a brief coffee break or a lunch-hour visit.



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