acp studio

Studio 1





  • Air conditioner
  • Makeup room
  • Technical room
  • Restroom
  • Backup power supply
  • Passenger lifts
  • Cargo lift
  • Sound proofed
  • Lighting ceiling grid installed
  • Security cameras
  • Parking




Category Indoor Studio
Area 4,725 sq. ft
Size W=67 & 63 ft, L=75 ft, H=25 ft




Studio 1, the pinnacle of modern production facilities, located on 4th floor of Ahmed Shah Building at renowned Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi.


Spanning an impressive 4,725 square feet, Studio 1 provides ample room for sets, props, and crew, ensuring that you have the flexibility to customize the space according to your requirements. Our studio is equipped with top-of-the-line amenities and services, making it the preferred choice for both local and international organizers.


At Arts Council of Pakistan, we strive to meet and exceed your expectations. If you have any additional needs or special requirements, please don't hesitate to let us know. Our dedicated team is committed to accommodating your requests and ensuring your experience at Studio 1 is nothing short of exceptional.


Embrace the future of production and book Studio 1 today. Express your creativity in a space designed to inspire and elevate your artistic vision.



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